Monday, July 6, 2020

English: Week 15

Hello Year 2!

It was so lovely to ‘see’ lots of you at our small groups quizzes and class story times last week!

This week’s English work is a little different from what we have been doing. As we are nearing the end of our time in Year 2, I wanted you to focus and think about some of your key skills that you will still need to use every day in Year 3.

Day 1

LO: To use capital letters and full stops.

First we are going to think carefully about our capital letters and closing punctuation.

A capital letter is used at the start of a sentence or for a name.

Follow the link to a video with a more detailed explanation.


Please re-write the sentences in your best handwriting, adding the capital letters and full stops in the correct places.

Day 2

LO: To use conjunctions.

Today we are going to think about joining sentences together. A conjunction joins sentences and extended them.


Can you choose the conjunction that fits each sentence? Remember to read them carefully.

Day 3

LO: To use conjunctions.

Yesterday you selected the correct conjunctions to make sentences make sense.

Today you are thinking of how to extend sentences with specific conjunctions.


Look carefully at the start of each sentences and the conjunctions chosen. In your best handwriting, can you extend your sentences?

Day 4

LO: To revise our punctuation and grammar skills.

Sometimes we only need a quick refresher for our skills learning.


Can you complete each individual task to revise your skills?

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