Tuesday, June 30, 2020

NEW LINKS - Virtual Sports Day


We apologise that the links didn't work 

yesterday. Click below to watch the videos 

and log your score 


Pupils, parents and teachers of Hill Top, enter the Trust Virtual Sports Competition 

and let’s make Hill Top victorious!

Join the competition and help Hill Top win against the other schools in the Trust!

Take a look at our video of the teachers practising their skills last week.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Science: Week 14

This week we are focusing on how humans grow.

In Year 2, we need to be able to answer the following questions.

How do animals grow differently?
What do animals need to survive?
Why is it important that humans exercise?
Why is it important that humans eat the right amounts of food?

We also need to be able to understand and use the following vocabulary…

29th  June 2020 Activities

Lesson 1

What do living things need to survive?


Can you use the labels to complete the activity? We are thinking about what different animals need to survive.

Lesson 2

Time to think about caring for pets.

Lots of you have told me about your pets either in school or on the phone.

If you don’t have a pet, don’t worry, you can still complete this activity.

Remember we love to see all your learning! 
Email us photos at year2@hilltop.doncaster.sch.uk 

Virtual Sports Week


Pupils, parents and teachers of Hill Top, enter the Trust Virtual Sports Competition 

and let’s make Hill Top victorious!

Join the competition and help Hill Top win against the other schools in the Trust!

To log your score - https://buff.ly/2JLxTUi...

To see the activities - https://buff.ly/2YF4fXp...

Take a look at our video of the teachers practising their skills last week.

Virtual Sports Week


Pupils, parents and teachers of Hill Top, enter the Trust Virtual Sports Competition 

and let’s make Hill Top victorious!

Join the competition and help Hill Top win against the other schools in the Trust!

To log your score - https://buff.ly/2JLxTUi...

To see the activities - https://buff.ly/2YF4fXp...

Take a look at our video of the teachers practising their skills last week.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

English: Week 14

English Week 14

Well done for writing some brilliant settings descriptions last week. This week we are going to re-tell the story.

We are going to use them in our stories this week.

Peter Pan is quite a long story, with lots happening, so we are going to concentrate on re-telling the beginning.

 Lesson 1

LO: To re-tell a story verbally  

In our first lesson, we are going to do some drama!

Look back on our reading posts or watch the clip below to remind yourself of what happens in the beginning of the story.

Time to role play and perform.

 Task 1

Can you re-tell the beginning of the story out loud?
Try to add expression into your voice and even some actions to help you re-tell the story to your grown up or sibling.

Lesson 2

LO: To create a story map

We can map out the beginning of the story using a story map.

This will be a drawing of what happens in the first part of the story.

Try to include key events like… Peter losing his shadow, Wendy and the children learning how to fly and arriving in Neverland.


Can you draw a story map of what happens at the beginning of Peter Pan?

Example Story Maps

Lesson 3

LO: To plan using a story map

Yesterday you created a story map to help you plan your writing.

Today we are going to write sentences for each part (picture) on your story map.

This will help you get all the ideas from your imagination onto paper.

Can you write at least 6 short sentences to plan the beginning of a story?

I’ve suggested some underneath, but I’m sure you could think of some creative ones too.


Peter Pan flew into the nursey looking for his shadow.

Wendy woke up and saw that he needed his shadow sewing back on.

Peter asked Wendy to go to Neverland.  

 Lesson 4

LO: To write the beginning of a story

Hopefully you have some simple sentences ready to expanded to create your short recount of the beginning of Peter Pan. 

If you write the story up to the point where the children first see Neverland, you can use your settings description to expanded it even further.

You will need to expand your sentences using adjectives, adverbs or conjunctions.
Add speech using speech marks.
Include the characters’ feelings.


Peter Pan swiftly flew into the peaceful nursey because he was searching everywhere for his sneaky lost shadow.

When Wendy heard Peter weeping, she woke up and quickly realised that he needed help getting his shadow to attach.

After Wendy had sewed the shadow back on, Peter realised how helpful she was.
“Why don’t you come back to Neverland with me so the Lost Boys can have a mother!” Peter suggested.


In your best handwriting, edit and write the beginning of Peter Pan. Remember to check your toolkit!

Story Writing toolkit
Capital letters
Full stops
Full sentences
Expanded noun phrases
Interesting sentence openers. 

Remember to send your learning to Year2@hilltop.doncaster.sch.uk , we love seeing your learning!

Spellings: 10

Spellings Week 10

 Happy Monday Year 2!

I hope you are all keeping up with your spelling practice.

Remember to complete at least 3 spelling activities a week. The more you practice the better chance you’ll have of putting those spellings into those long term memories.

This week’s focus.

If the end of the word sounds like ‘igh’ it is almost always spelt with a y

Word list to practice this week


Have fun!

Reading Challenge: 11

Reading Challenge 11

Good morning Year 2! 
We are still continuing with our Peter Pan text this week.

Below are the next few pages of our text. (click on the pictures to make them bigger)

There is also a link to the author reading the first part of the text. 

Remember to read each questions carefully and answer on a piece of paper or in your home learning books.

1)   ‘The Lost Boys scattered’ –

Can you think of another word that means scattered?

2)  Where is the Lost Boys den?

3)  Why does Captain Hook want to find Peter Pan?

4) Why did the Lost Boys shoot at Wendy?

5)  What saved Wendy?

6)  The food was mostly make-believe.
What does make-believe mean?

7)  List two things that Wendy does at night time?

8)  Where did the Mermaids play?

9)  What colour is a mermaid’s hair?

10)            How did Peter know danger was coming?

Remember you can email your learning to year2@hilltop.doncaster.sch.uk