Monday, June 22, 2020

English: Week 13

English Week 13

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are enjoying our new story.

Over the next two weeks we are going to build up to retell the story of Peter Pan. It’s quite a long tale, so this week we are going to focus on a settings description of Neverland!

I would like you to imagine you are Wendy, John or Michael flying over Neverland for the very first time!

Lesson 1

LO: To infer a character’s feelings


Let’s say you are flying into and over Neverland for the very first time! I would like to act like you are! Don’t’ worry no one is watching so have lots of fun.

Here is a video and some pictures to inspire your imagination!

After you have finished playing, think carefully about how you would feel if that really happened. How does Wendy feel? Is it different to how Michael feels? Or John?

Task 1

Can you write 4 sentences describing the different emotions you might feel at this time?

Choose from the word bank if you are not sure.


I felt elated because I could see for miles and everything looked magical.

I felt nervous because I had never flown before and it was a long way down to the ocean.

Lesson 2

LO: To create a word bank

It’s back to using that imagination today!

Remember adjectives are words we use to describe nouns. Expanded noun phrases are when we use one or more adjectives to describe a noun. For example beautiful, blue butterfly.

Today I would like you to create a word bank of all the things you could see and hear whilst flying over Neverland for the first time.


Can you write 5 expanded noun phrases for each sense?

Crystal, clear waters

Loud, booming cannons
Chomping jaws of the crocodile

Lesson 3

LO: To write descriptive sentences

Time to put your expanded noun phrases into sentences. Think carefully about your spelling and handwriting.


Can you use some interesting openers to start your sentences? 

I’ve suggested some underneath, but I’m sure you could think of some creative ones too.

As I soared below the clouds,
When I looked again,
After we had continued to explore,
Next to the ship,
Above the waterfall,


As I soared below the clouds, I could see crystal, clear waters glimmering in the sunlight.

Lesson 4

LO: To edit and re-draft a settings description.

Hopefully you have some creative sentences prepared from yesterday’s lesson. Today I would like you to improve them even more!

  • You could use a dictionary to check your spelling!
  • You could improve and up level your vocabulary.
  • You could use even neater handwriting.
  • You could extend your sentences by adding conjunctions.  

Settings description toolkit
Capital letters
Full stops
Full sentences
Expanded noun phrases
Interesting sentence openers. 


In your best handwriting, edit and re-write your settings description. 

Remember to send your learning to , we love seeing your learning!

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