Monday, June 1, 2020

English Week 10

English Week 10

We have looked at lots of descriptive writing so far in our home learning. This week I’d like you to think about different reasons why we might write.

Time to focus on writing letters.

Lesson 1
LO: To consider writing for a purpose

To introduce our letter writing, we would like you to have a really good think.

Why do we write letters?

As technology improves, letters can be sent in different ways such as emails or texts. These are all still ways of communicating with written words.


Can you create a mind map/ spider diagram with all the reasons you can think of that you might send a letter?

This can be as bright and colourful as you like!


Lesson 2
LO: To understand features of a letter

What do most letters have in common? How are they different to emails or stories.

Underneath is an example of a formal letter.


Can you write a list of features you can find to create your writing toolkit?


Lesson 3
LO: To plan a letter

Let’s say you are Mrs Grinling from our text. You want to write a letter to the seagulls to ask them to stop stealing all of Mr Grinling’s food!

It’s important to plan a letter so you know exactly what you want it to say


Can you complete the table (or write notes) to plan your letter?

Who is the letter to?

Why are you writing this letter?

What is the main problem?

How could the seagulls help?

Who is the letter from?

Lesson 4

LO: To write a letter

Remember you are Mrs or Mr Grinling writing a letter to the seagulls. Asking them to stop stealing all of the food!

Let’s check our toolkits before you start writing.

Letter writing toolkit 
Full sentences 
Full stops and capital letters
Best handwriting 

Here is a word mat to support your writing. 


In your best handwriting, complete your letter. 

Remember to send your learning to , we love seeing your learning!

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