Monday, June 15, 2020

Topic Menu: 4

Topic Menu

Our topic still links to Oceans and Coasts but with a Peter Pan link to songs and Pirates. Remember you can work through your topic learning over a couple of weeks.


We are creating Maps.

·       Research maps and investigate what a ‘key’ is.

·       Create a key for your own Neverland Map.

·       Watch this video explaining how to draw maps.

·       Create your own Neverland Maps. You could try tea staining to get a cool effect. This video explains how. 


Can you create Art using shadows?

·       Create a shadow using a torch or natural lights and draw around to create an outline.

·       Practice your shading techniques.

·       Use chalk outside to explore different shadow shapes.


We hope you are still using the coding site on our previous ICT post. If you have finished all of that, why not work on some of your other ICT skills.

·       Try copying and pasting pictures onto a word document.

·       Use caps lock or shift to create capital letters.

·       Upload a picture of yourself into paint and turn yourself into a pirate.


You could try learning these famous pirate songs.

Remember you can send us pictures of your learning to
We look forward to seeing your learning!

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