Monday, June 29, 2020

Science: Week 14

This week we are focusing on how humans grow.

In Year 2, we need to be able to answer the following questions.

How do animals grow differently?
What do animals need to survive?
Why is it important that humans exercise?
Why is it important that humans eat the right amounts of food?

We also need to be able to understand and use the following vocabulary…

29th  June 2020 Activities

Lesson 1

What do living things need to survive?


Can you use the labels to complete the activity? We are thinking about what different animals need to survive.

Lesson 2

Time to think about caring for pets.

Lots of you have told me about your pets either in school or on the phone.

If you don’t have a pet, don’t worry, you can still complete this activity.

Remember we love to see all your learning! 
Email us photos at 

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