Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Science: Week 12

For the next few weeks, we are going to be learning about animals including humans in Science. We are going to investigate and explore different animals and how they grow.

In Year 2, we need to be able to answer the following questions.

How do animals grow differently?
What do animals need to survive?
Why is it important that humans exercise?
Why is it important that humans eat the right amounts of food?

We also need to be able to understand and use the following vocabulary…

15th June 2020 Activities

Lesson 1

How do animals change as they grow?

All living this can reproduce. This is when a living thing, makes a new living this (of the same kind).

Plants reproduce by bearing seeds that grow into new plants. Humans and other animals reproduce by having babies.

Some animal babies look just like their grownups but smaller. Some animal babies look very different.

Different type of animals grow in different ways.
Follow the link to BBC Science for an explanation and then read the slides below. 


Can you create a table, or use this one, to sort as many animals as you can think of into egg or not?

Lesson 2

Can you create a life cycle?

Now it’s time to choose your own animal.

Can you draw the life cycle of that animal and label the stages with the correct vocabulary?

Remember we love to see all your learning! 
Email us photos at year2@hilltop.sch.uk 

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