Sunday, June 21, 2020

Science: Week 13

This week we are focusing on how humans grow.

In Year 2, we need to be able to answer the following questions.

How do animals grow differently?
What do animals need to survive?
Why is it important that humans exercise?
Why is it important that humans eat the right amounts of food?

We also need to be able to understand and use the following vocabulary…

22nd June 2020 Activities

Lesson 1

How do humans change as they grow?

Read the slides below and think about the answers to the questions carefully.


Can draw a human at each stage of their life cycle and match the labels below to your drawings?

Lesson 2

Time to complete a comparative test!

If you don’t have any siblings at home, you could always try this experiment with your grown up or try using facetime to complete the investigation with other members of your family.

Read the information carefully and complete the table.

Remember we love to see all your learning! 
Email us photos at 

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