Monday, March 23, 2020

Topic: Menu 1

Topic Menu


Continue with our vegetarian feast 
·        Taste different vegetarian foods. Why not draw and describe them in your home learning books?

·        Design a vegetarian menu for a feast! Label the different foods you include.

·        Write a shopping list for your feast.

·        With help from a grown up, prepare, serve and enjoy your vegetarian feast as a family! 


Think about using those compass directions…

·        Use directional vocabulary (left, right, forwards, backwards) to direct a person or object around your house.

·        Log onto google maps …  Can you find your house? Can you plan your route to the local shops? Please record this in your home learning book or on a piece of paper.

·        Can you use google maps to find the capital city of each country in the UK?

·        Can you research and remember the seven continents and five oceans? Practice the song linked below!


Quentin Blake…
One of our favourite authors Roald Dahl had a favourite illustrator.

·        Research Quentin Blake. How many books has he illustrated?

·        Compare his images…. What do you like about them? 
   What makes them different to other pictures?

·        Try sketching your own versions of Quentin Blake characters.


Christians will soon be celebrating Easter.

·        Can you research and re-tell the Easter story?

·        Can you create a story board to tell the Easter story?


·        Can you decorate your own Easter egg?

·        Can you make picture to represent spring?

·        Design and make your own Easter cards.

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