Sunday, May 10, 2020

English: Week 8

English Week 8

A few weeks ago, I set you some English poetry learning based on Michael Rosen. You used rhyming skills to create poems to make the reader smile.

Poems can also be used to create pictures in the reader’s head.

This week we are going to put our descriptive skills to good use!

Your reading challenge this week was to read ‘The Magic Box’ by Kit Wright.

We are going to use his brilliant ideas to write our own Magic Box poems!

Before you start the lessons this week, re-read the poem underneath, or listen the poet read.

From our model text we are going to think about this writing toolkit this week

Poetry Toolkit 

Creative vocabulary
Best handwriting
Accurate spelling

Lesson 1
LO: To create a Magic box

We are starting off being creative! 


Can you find a shoe box and decorate it OR draw a box and decorate it?

Try to think about 

·        How you can make it magical? Perhaps it has eyes. Maybe it looks like a dragon or a witch’s cottage.
·        What is the theme? Perhaps it is an ocean theme to match our topic? Try to decorate it so that it fits your theme.
·         Is the lid attached to the box or does it lift off completely? How are you going to decorate it?

Start to think about all the wonderful things you would want to put in your box!

Lesson 2

LO: Write create a word bank

In Kit Wright’s poem, there are some very magical things.

Time to think of some things that are special to you!


Write a list of your favourite things, people or places.

Try to think of at least 9 items to go on your poem.

1)    Sunsets
2)   Sailing
3)   My mum’s Sunday dinner

Lesson 3

LO: To write expanded noun phrases

As I’m sure you all noticed, Kit Wright’s poem is very descriptive. His expanded noun phrases create clear pictures in the readers’ minds.

For example, he uses…
Silk sari
Leaping spark
Rumbling belly


Can you add adjectives or verbs to describe the items you are putting in your box?

4)  Spectacular, golden sunsets
5)   the calmest water to create smooth sailing
6)   My mum’s delicious Sunday dinner

Click to see adjectives to help you 

Lesson 4

LO: To write part 1 of a poem

Kit Wright uses the same starter line to his poem, this creates repetition!


Now using this starter line, ‘I will put in the box,’ organise your nine expanded phrases into three verses.

Lesson 5

LO: To write part 2 of a poem

Towards the end of his poem Kit Wright describes the box.

Think about:
What is your box made of? Kit Wright’s is made of ice and gold and steel.
What is on or in your box? Kit Wright’s has stars on the lid and secrets in the corners.
What else can you add? Kit Wright has added that its hinges are the toe joints of dinosaurs.


Write the final verse of your magic-box poem.

Remember to check your toolkit!

Try performing your poem! 

We’d love to see your learning.

Please email us your fantastic learning to…

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