Sunday, May 3, 2020

Maths Week 7

Learning to tell the time!

Visual Schedules And Social Stories

Below is a link to some online tools to help me tell the time.

Here is a screen shot of the teaching tool you can use at home. 

If you do not have access to this link then use the clocks in your house to practise telling the time. We are concentrating on o'clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past

Here are some other ideas to help you understand the concept of time. 

Challenge 1

Write a list of all the things you can do in one second, one minute and one hour. 
Ask someone in your house to help to time you. 

Miss Elliott tried this at home. In one second she can, clap, blink, jump and click. 

What can you do in one second? 

For one minute, Miss Elliot can write her name (neatly) 8 times. She also timed herself making the bed which took 1 minute and 8 seconds. 

Can you make your bed in one minute? 
What else can you do in one minute? 

What can you do in one hour? 

Challenge 2

Can you create your own time table? 
You could draw pictures and write the time underneath? 

What time do you wake up? 

What time is breakfast? 

What time is lunch? 

What time is tea time? 

What time is bath time? 

What time is bedtime? 

Challenge 3

Can you problem solve with time. Look at the time now, can you answer these questions. Record your answers in your jotter books. 

What time is it? 

What time will it be in fifteen minutes? 

What time was it 1 hour ago? 

What time will it be in 1 hour? 

Challenge 4

Problem of the day! 

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